Patuxent High School NJROTC Boosters


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PHSNJROTC Booster Minutes

PHS NJROTC Booster Minutes

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Meeting called to order – 7:08

Members present: Beth Haw, Mark Lee, Susan Wommack, Marydonna Baranoski and Steve Haw

Acct Balance:     $1114.41             

                                +$20.00                 Dues deposit

                                = $1134.41

                                -$119.98               (2-100 quart coolers)


                                +605.00 (PRP Profit)


Old Business

-          Beth Haw called Applebee’s to find out about the Pancake Fundraiser. Before the Pancake Fundraiser, you have to pick a date for ‘Dine to Donate’. If friends bring in a special invitation and present it to the server, ROTC will receive 15% of proceeds for that meal. The promotion lasts for the entire day, you just have to remember to bring in the invitation. If ROTC has a good showing for Dine to Donate, we will be able to schedule a Pancake Fundraiser. Beth Haw will look into a good date to schedule after checking the school and ROTC calendar.

-          Fundraising with Moe’s will not raise enough money for the time and effort it would take to prepare for the evening. (Between 4-close, 10% of proceeds will be donated)

-          1/29 Drill Meet went very well and a huge thank you to those that were able to volunteer. We were able to raise $1300 for the unit!

-          Spring Play – given the results of last year’s disappointing attendance, we have decided against doing ‘ Dinner Theater’ (Booster’s selling dinner before the play).


New Business

-           Freezer is now in Bob Kacz’s possession, stored at his home.

-          There might be a possibility of a car washing fundraiser at the VFW in the Spring, details TBA.

-          Check with Commander about the number of chaperones needed for Cadet Ball

-          Also check with Commander about shed usage. Some damage has occurred with the charcoal grill and we have concern about the potential for damage of other items in the future.

Next meeting scheduled for 3/3/11

Meeting adjourned at 7:40

Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Beth Haw

PHS NJROTC Booster Secretary/Treasurer


PHS NJROTC Booster Minutes

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Meeting called to order – 7:04 p.m.

Members present: Beth Haw, Michelle Tilley, Dana Sulhoff, Patty Lee, Marydonna Baranoski, Mark Lee and Laura Bearjar.

Account balance: $1114.41

Old Business:

-       12/11 leaf raking went well; however, the parent to cadet ratio was off. Next time, a minimum of three adults are needed.

-       Ledo’s fundraiser was a bust. We didn’t make the minimum amount for the restaurant to receive funds. Bottom line: too much work, not enough pay off.

-       Patuxent River Park orienteering meet went well. I am currently waiting to hear from Commander about the profit made.

-       Applebee’s fundraiser: we are looking to schedule for end of February/or March. After looking at the ROTC schedule on the classroom board, Saturday, 3/19 looks like the first potential date.

-       Cooler and pop up tent have not been purchased yet.

New Business:

-       Drill Meet on Saturday, 1/29 – volunteers needed!

o   I have received about five e-mail responses for volunteers so far.

o   Menu to include: dogs, burgers, meatball hoagies, chili, nachos, pizza, cup o soup, snacks, Gatorade, water, coffee

o   For pizza, Beth will check in with Mr. Grosskurth at CiCi’s for pizza (and check how it could be kept warm), otherwise we will go with either Papa John’s or Dominos

-       Beth has an e-mail into the Drama dept checking on the date for the spring play. Once determined, will check in with Mr. Grosskurth at CiCi’s for their potential involvement with fundraising.

-       Left over water and Gatorade from the PRP orienteering meet is currently being stored in Mark Lee’s garage.

-       Beth will check in with Lori Sikorski about the possibility of checking in with the Health Dept to get ‘event’ approval, and if baked goods are ‘legal’ to serve. Also, check on kitchen access (at PHS) and grilling permission.

Next meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 3rd at 7pm

Meeting adjourned at 8:02 pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Beth Haw

PHS NJROTC Booster Secretary/Treasurer


PHS NJROTC Booster Minutes

Thursday, December 3, 2010

Meeting called to order – 7:08 p.m.

Members present: Beth Haw, Susan Wommack, Laura Bearjar, Dave Matthews, Patty Lee, Michelle Tilley, Dana Sulhoff, Jennifer Patteson, Bob Kacz, Steve Haw and Tammy Murree.

Account Balance: $1094. 41 (motion made by Patty Lee to accept balance, 2nd by Tammy Murree)

New Business:

-       12/11 Leaf raking at Rod and Gun club scheduled

o    Tarps needed

o    Parents with base access stickers are needed to drive

o    Cadets bring own rakes and gloves marked with their name

o    Donuts and sodas are provided for the cadets

o    Plan to be there for quite a few hours, area to be raked is several acres

o    Patty and Mark will provide pizza

o    Dress appropriately for the weather, layer clothing

o    No blowers allowed

o    Mrs. Patteson, Bob Kacz and Patty Lee have base access and can drive

-       Ledo’s Fundraiser scheduled for 12/7

-       Roy Roger’s fundraiser also scheduled for 12/7

-       Upcoming Rifle Match at PHS on 12/4

o    4 to 5 volunteers needed (show up by 9 a.m.)

o    Small event – 100 people expected

o    Food to be served: Meatball hoagies, tacos, nachos

-       Patuxent River Park Orienteering Meet scheduled for 12/18

o    8-10 volunteers needed

o    Meals will be pre-purchased

o    Dress for the weather, it will be cold!

-       Jennifer Patteson gave more info on a potential Applebee’s breakfast fundraiser

o    Held on Saturday mornings only

o    Applebee’s provides: 2 pancakes, 2 sausage, coffee, tea, water and  cook

o    We provide: tickets, help (dishwashers-3 or more, runners-6 or more, wait staff-6/7, host/hostess-2 or 3

o    We can also provide eggs (2 a-piece) and juice

o    Tickets MUST be presold

o    Tax i.d. form to be filled out

o    Cadets would possibly wear their khakis and a unit t-shirt and tennis shoes

o    We will discuss this possibility more in January with the likelihood of scheduling a date in February

-       Motion made (by Bob Kacz) for the possibility of purchasing a collapsible tent (cost up to $250), a large Coleman cooler (cost up to $125) and another ‘soft’ cooler (cost $20) for the unit. Seconded by Laura Bearjar

Next meeting scheduled for January 6, 2011

Meeting adjourned (Steve Haw) 7:43 p.m., seconded by Dave Matthews

Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Beth Haw


Booster Secretary/Treasurer


PHS NJROTC Booster Minutes

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Meeting called to order – 7:06 p.m.

Members present: Beth Haw, Steve Haw, Bob Kacz, Dana Sulhoff, Jennifer Patteson, and Michelle Tilley.

Account balance: $1094.41

Old business:

-       Correction – funds made at the King’s Landing Orienteering meet were closer to $1900 rather than the $1500 we had originally  thought

-       Bylaw change proposal:

o    Meetings changed from two a month to one, held on first Thursday of the month

o    Finance committee removed

o    Change executive member quorum from 3 to 2

-       Motion made (by Beth Haw): I move to change the booster bylaws as stated above. (First: Jennifer Patteson, Second: Steve Haw)

New Business:

-       Bob Kacz donated four insulated containers to the unit. One holds rations for 150 people and will keep food hot or cold for up to 8+ hours

-       December 4th, PHS will host a rifle match. Numbers will be small and concessions will be light (meatball hoagies, tacos, nachos, bottled water, etc)

-       Next Ledo’s fundraiser is scheduled for Tuesday, 12/7 from 4-8 p.m., dine in or carry out.

-       Roy Roger’s fundraisers are scheduled for 11/15 and 12/7

-       Cadet volunteers are needed for Rod and Gun Club raking. Date is set for 12/11. More details to follow.

-       Jennifer Patteson is checking into a possible Applebee’s fundraiser. It would be scheduled for a Sunday morning (our choice), more details to follow.

-       Bob Kacz purchased a second, smaller ‘soft’ cooler for the unit. Cost was $20

-       Commander stated that the only ‘needs’ for the unit right now would be a 12x12 collapsible/folding tent/awning (to be used as a home base while cadets are away at meets) and adding another large, white Coleman cooler. Beth Haw will check on prices.

-       December 18, Patuxent River Park, an orienteering meet is planned. We will need to be there for concessions, as the date gets closer we will have more of an idea of how many will attend and what we will serve.

Next meeting scheduled for December 2, at 7 p.m.

Meeting adjourned 7:26 p.m. (Steve, 1st, Jen Patteson, 2nd)

Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Beth Haw


Booster Secretary/Treasurer


PHS NJROTC Booster Minutes

Thursday October 7, 2010

Meeting called to order – 7:05pm

Members present: Beth Haw, Bob Kacz, Dana Sulhoff, Mark Lee, Susan Wommack, Chris Tilley, Michelle Tilley, Marydonna Baranoski, Patty Lee.

Account Balance:

As of 10/7/10, account balance was still $614.41. However, dues that were collected from the 9/16/10 meeting had not been deposited as of yet. That amount was $185.00 (to bring the new total to $799.41).

Old Business:

-       Commander relayed a big ‘thank you’ to all that helped with concessions for the King’s Landing Orienteering Meet on 10/2/10. We had a very successful day with approximately $1500 profit in food sales to benefit the unit.

-       There are 1 ½ containers of chili left over that will be used for the upcoming Rifle Match on 12/4/10. Beth Haw is holding it in her freezer for the time being.

-       Ledo’s Pizza fundraiser on 10/5/10 was a big success, results of the sales are not in yet.

-       Beth Haw will call Mr. Ian Grosskurth to find out details of having CiCi’s Pizza for dinner on the same evening as the PHS play. It was decided that we would wait to host a ‘Dinner Theater’ for the spring play.

New Business:

-       An NJROTC event is scheduled for 12/18/10 at Patuxent River Park that the Booster’s would be able to provide concessions for, however, Mark Lee is checking on the date as he thinks it’s the opening date for gunpowder hunting season.

-       Our next Booster concession date will be 12/4/10 for the Rifle Match that PHS is hosting. Menu ideas were: Meatball hoagies, hot dogs, chili, NO CAFFEINATED beverages. Taco Salad was brought up as a suggestion, we will have to check on prices of ground beef, etc.

-       Beth Haw will check with Commander about an upcoming possibility of an NJROTC soccer meet on 11/7/10 – will we be able to provide concessions?

-       Rod and Gun club is in need of cadet volunteers to rake. Mark Lee is checking in on a date that would work, sometime around the end of November.

o    Driver’s need to have a base sticker to get the cadets right on base.

o    Kids bring rakes, tarps, and gloves.

o    Rod and Gun club makes a donation to PHS NJROTC, and in turn, that amount is divided among each cadet that worked to go towards their own personal fundraising efforts.

-       Anyone interested in taking part in Homecoming Tailgate, bring a dish to share, bring your OWN drinks and plan to arrive at PHS around 4:30 or 4:45 pm for the best parking (area of parking lot closest to the ticket booth)

-       Examine the possibility of holding a chili or BBQ cook-off. Would it be able to be held at Cove Point Park? Is there anyone in particular that would want to research the possibilities?

Motion made by Mark Lee to keep bylaws open until the next meeting so changes can be made. Seconded by Beth Haw.

-       Beth Haw will send out an e-mail of old bylaws and members are encouraged to e-mail back with suggested changes.

-       Some possibilities are:

o    Change meeting frequency from twice a month to once a month.

o    Change Executive Board quorum from 3 to 2

o    Finance Committee needs to be removed

o    Number of member votes to pass a motion changed from 51% of number of members to 51% of number of members present at current meeting

Next meeting scheduled for 11/4/10

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Beth Haw


Booster Secretary/Treasurer


PHS NJROTC Booster Minutes

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Meeting called to order – 7:00pm

Members present: Mark Lee, Patty Lee, Dave Matthews, Laura Bearjar, Cindy Dixon, Bruce Dixon, Chris Wood, Denise Inman, Cheryl Tucker, Marydonna Baranoski, Ian Grosskurth, Michele Inaba, Nancy Hopson, Dana Sulhoff, Michelle Tilley, Kim Stehle, Beth Haw, Steve Haw, Bob Kaczorowski

Account balance:

5/13/10 (books transferred from Tammi Murree to Beth Haw) balance $613.76

7/24/10 -$100.00 (cadet assistance for venture camp) balance $513.76

7/24/10 -$149.35 (griddle and case for camp grill) balance $364.41

8/2/10 +$250.00 (anonymous donation) balance $614.41

Old Business:


-       Minutes from last meeting (6/3/10) read

-       Mark Lee e-mailed files to Bob Kacz. Files need to be double checked and if still needed, burned to CD for our records.

New Business:

-       All Booster members that want to join, dues are $10 per person, per year. Dues provide voting privileges. Motion is made, passed with 2/3 majority vote

-       Motion made, by Beth Haw, to have meetings frequency changed to once a month instead of two. Motion to be brought back up at next meeting (10/7/10) as bylaws state that meetings held on the third week of the month are for discussion of upcoming events, etc., not official business.

-       Volunteers (at least 6 to 8) are needed for assistance at King’s Landing Park for Orienteering meet that PHS will host. If interested, Bob Kacz. will keep list of names.

-       Ledo’s fundraiser is coming up Tuesday, October 5th from 4-8pm. Dine-in or carry-out, if gross earnings for the restaurant exceed $2000, 10% is donated to the PHS NJROTC boosters.

o   Discussion held about ways to ‘get the word out’ for the fundraiser

o   Attach file of fundraiser poster to e-mail and in turn, have parents print out and display at their work or hand out to friends

o   Leave fliers on cars at Cove Point Park or BGE field one or two nights before the fundraiser to try and get more people to come

o   Spread the word with family and friends – e-mail, facebook, phone calls, etc

-       KeepnTrack volunteer application process was explained to parents and fingerprinted needed ONLY for overnight trips with cadets. Any further questions, contact Bridget Kluwin at or (410)535-7203

-       A question was raised about volunteer hours being credited to both parents and PHS. Beth Haw will check in with PHS to find out who the volunteer coord is and how to claim credit for hours worked.

-       Two other possible fundraisers in the near future with the American Legion: either a car wash or breakfast. Bob Kacz. is still working out the fine details, possible dates and if it will be a good idea or not

-       Drivers may be needed for certain events – check permission slips, as Commander or Chief will request drivers if needed

-       CiCi’s pizza can be another potential fundraising contact through Mr. Ian Grosskurth. The possibility of having CiCi’s pizza come to set up a buffet during the school play (instead of the traditional spaghetti dinner) will need to be examined closer for cost/profit ratio

-       Utensils, pots, pans – any donations are welcome to try and build up the boosters supply. We request that everything be ‘heavy duty’ ie: cast iron or steel due to the high heat/strength of the camp grill we own

-       Mrs. Sulhoff generously donation a large, restaurant grade pot with strainers for our use. Beth Haw has plans to contact and pick up

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm

Next meeting 10/2/10 @ 7pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Beth Haw